West Metro Rotaract is new and open for business

Rotaract is a club for adults ages 18-30. Most clubs meet twice a month to exchange ideas, plan activities and projects, and socialize.

West Metro Rotaract is featured on the District 5950 website as a new addition to the Twin Cities.

Rotary clubs serve as Rotaract sponsors; however, Rotaract clubs decide how to organize and run their club and what projects and activities to do. Wayzata Rotary is West Metro’s main sponsor, though they hope to work with many area Rotary clubs.

The West Metro club’s October activity was a joint fundraiser with Pause 4 Paws, a unique fundraising and partnership organization that specializes in serving animal rescue organizations. On November 12 they will hold a networking dinner. Three current and former Rotary Club Presidents will speak on the unifying theme of “Unleashing Your Leadership Potential

District 5950 honored for TRF giving


Past District Governor Bob Stowell, District Governor Diann Kirby (center)  and RI Zones 28-29 Director Mary Beth Growney Selene pose with the award presented to District 5950 for giving to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) at the Zone Institute in Pittsburgh, PA, on Oct. 5.

District 5950 placed first in Zone 28 for Annual Fund giving ($647,173), first for Annual Fund per capita giving ($224.71), and second for total giving to TRF ($864,232) in 2012-13.

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Past President Lenny Kirscht leads our club’s TRF giving campaign for this Rotary year. Watch for kickoff information coming soon!


Sometimes Rotarians just have to toot their own horn

Veterans’ Memorial Park is yet a triangular grassy space, edged by homes that will disappear and park benches that don’t yet exist.

But on October 10th when the color guard presented the flags and our own Scott Mounger played the “Star Spangled Banner” on trumpet, every Rotarian saw the American flag ascending the tall flag pole for the first time. Circled with flowers planted by club members, the flagpole will be the focal point of the new park. And it will be there because our club donated funds, secured a grant, and committed itself to the Veterans’ Memorial project.

President Chuck Christian (below center) turned a shovel on behalf of the club and visited with the many veterans at the ground-breaking.

“Be your business” at the RHS Career Fair

RHS sophomores want to talk to you on Thursday, October 10.  Your time commitment at the gym is from 11:30 a.m. (setup) through 1:15 p.m.

To enquire if your industry still needs a representative, contact Anne Bartus at 763-274-3140 ext. 1608 or anne.bartus@elkriver.k12.mn.us. For a copy of the invitation flyer with more event details, email cheri_n_lee@hotmail.com. Note: STRIVE presenters are already scheduled that day.

Presenters receive a table, chair, and industry sign of your choice (e.g., RN mechanic, realtor). Plan to bring “tools of the trade” for display and freebies as enticements.

Area 4 meeting features Michael Carsuo

Be inspired. Become more successful.

Maple Grove Rotary invites us to an Area 4 meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at Champp’s in Maple Grove. Set your alarm; the meeting begins at 6:45 a.m.!

Guest speaker Michael Caruso made such a positive impact as a 2013 District Conference speaker that he is bringing his motivational message directly to Area 4 clubs:  Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, Brooklyn Center, Crystal/New Hope/Robinsdale, Rogers, and Northwest Hennepin County.

The breakfast meeting costs $12. RSVPs are needed by October 15. Reserve with  Cheri Ashfeld: cheri_n_lee@hotmail.com.


Learn history and status of “Rotary Code of Conduct”

As a Rotarian, I will
1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities

2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary

3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others

4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings

5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society

6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of
the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community

7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians

8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business/professional relationship