Bi-annual ethics workshop is September 19

Every other year, Rogers Rotary partners with the Eagan Rotary Club to conduct a full-day ethics workshop for the top juniors and seniors in Rogers High School. We spend one day helping students understand where ethical choices surface in their lives, and create business scenarios requiring ethical choices — situations they can anticipate when they are on the job.

Rogers High School selects student leaders who are already respected by other students The workshop is limited to 42 students
divided into seven groups. Each table is led by a Rotary mentor.

This is an all-day event that will start at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. with lunch provided. Please email Bruce Johnson if you are interested in participating as a table mentor. There will be a brief training session, probably on September 18 right after the  Wednesday Rotary meeting.