Bigger and Better — 2012-13 Junior Achievement involvement

What does Junior Achievement do?
Use the principles of financial literacy, market-based economics, and entrepreneurial thinking to teach youth about the global economy and the responsibilities of citizenship, consumerism and employment.

Combining the strength of JA’s curriculum with corporate volunteers’ mentorship and role modeling makes a significant impact on the students. It also generates meaningful community involvement for businesses and employees.

Why else?
Because it aligns with the Rotary Mission:  To provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

What’s the commitment?
There are five lessons to be taught to the students; each take about 40 minutes and typically is done over the course of five weeks. All materials are provided to effectively equip you for a successful experience!

For more information and to volunteer at one of the  Rogers Elementary Schools, talk to Heather Farr, 763-428-2926.