Chuck Berg District Governor to visit Club Aug. 24

DG Chuck Berg, 2011-12

District Governor Chuck Berg is just beginning his tour of the 62 clubs in District 5950. Rogers is among the first to hear his message and set the standard for club welcomes.

District Governor knows many Rogers members through his years of district leadership and progression as DG-Nominee and DG-Elect. Shakopee is his home club.

Make sure you attend on August 24 to meet the District Governor and hear his goals for the 2011-2012 year.

Every district leader was one a new to Rotary, too. They inspire us to take advantage of District training events, committee participation, and joint activities. As much as we love the camaraderie within the Roger club, the district offers additional wonderful opportunities for service project, networking and personal growth.

Remember….. District 5950 Fall Training Event is Friday, September 23 in Golden Valley.