DG Diann brings her Rotary Story to Rogers

Do not miss Rotary on Wednesday!

We welcome District Governor Diann Kirby (Bloomington Rotary) as our special guest speaker. Her career background is unique among recent district governors. (Come hear about it.) Her journey into Rotary commitment is personal, yet consistent with all active Rotarians. Service Above Self runs deeply in every Rotary volunteer, especially those who grow from local club
involvement to district leadership. Come welcome DG Diane!

(photos top to bottom)

During her year as District Governor-Elect, Diann Kirby participated in the Friendship Exchange to India, personally inoculating a youth against polio. She and District Governor Bob Stowell cut the ribbon opening a new school bathroom. She was inducted as District Governor on June 18. A year earlier, she was the new DG-Elect joining in partnership with DG Bob (2012-13) and Past DG Chuck Berg (2011-12).