District Assembly session recap: Have excellent club meetings using The Five F’s

Patrick Joyce (Mpls. City of Lakes Rotary) distributed a colorful handout of interconnected ideas he called Club Growth ‘Mindmap’ Linkages.

His Five F’s of Excellent Meetings were:

  1. Have Fun.
  2. Schedule Fantastic programs with a variety of business and organizational speakers. Go offsite on field trips.
  3. Have a Function. Tie your meetings to service and purpose. Raise awareness of service programs and opportunities through Rotary.
  4. Foster Friendships. Make sure there is enough social time built into meetings and events.
  5. Keep it Fresh. Infuse meetings with variety. Ask veteran members to do another vocational talk for the benefit of new members. Invite new members to do an extended introduction. Showcase district programs and evaluate how your club can stretch through its district involvement.