Golf Tournament planning is underway

Tim Buck emailed the 2013 golf flyer and 501c3 letter following the first planning meeting. There’s already one foursome registered!

 Now….Rotarians are needed to chair each of these tournament
features. Please volunteer to Peter Will or Tim Buck.

1.  Auction items packaging

2.  Spreadsheet of registrations,
     payments, auction donations

3.  Registration table at tournament

4.  Auction setup

5.  Auction checkout

6.  Sell mulligan cards

7.  Booze Pull promotion and packaging
     (Carol Hines will sell at the event.)

8.  Raffle tickets

We need everyone to be involve. Each Rotarian’s goal is to get one foursome, two Booze Pull bottles, an auction item(s) worth $100 or more, and a hole sponsor. Or just get a Corporate sponsor.