Grants Mgmt. Seminar prepares clubs for new grant structure

District 5950 held the first of several Grants Management Seminars on Saturday, February 16. This is the final training before Rotary International implements the new grant application and funding structure that we’ve come to know as Future Vision. On July 1, 2013, the program will simply be The Rotary Foundation (TRF) grants management program. Past District Governor Sandy Schley has led the Future Vision transition and will continue to chair the District 5950 grants program.

The purpose of the new grants structure is to:
• Enlarge RI grant projects
• Reduce the overall number of grants
• Curb RI’s administrative costs from overseeing a myriad of small international grant projects.

Sample Global Grant Application (formerly Int’l Grants):
$10,000 contributed by a club or group of clubs (e.g., Area 4 clubs)
$10,000 District 5950 match
$15,000 RI match (100% match of District + 50% of club funds)
$35,000 minimum grant under new structure

All clubs are required to send at least one representative to the grants management training. Rogers will have good resources for future applications because Lee Ashfeld, Floyd Ingersoll and Chuck Christian are all participating in training. As the District 5950 CFO, Lee will be auditor of the District 5950 Rotary Foundation.

From 2010 through January 2013, District 5950 has funded international projects at a value of $2,446,000 that represents club, District 5950, TRF and possible third party matches.