How might a satellite club work in Rogers?

The Rogers club chartered in May 2006. Many charter and early members are still active, but others joined and left. Past President Jack Hines is contacting former members to ask if they withdrew because:
– 7 a.m. just didn’t work in their schedule
–  There was an issue that we can improve and lure them back.

For those needing a later meeting time, we’re considering Rotary International’s newly-approved satellite clubs that meet at a different time and location from the parent clubs. Key satellite specifics include:

  • A satellite club shall be located in the same locality or surrounding area as the sponsor club.
  • The sponsor club shall provide general oversight and support of a satellite club as deemed appropriate by the sponsor club’s board.
  • Members of a satellite club shall also be members of the sponsor club until the satellite club becomes a chartered Rotary club.
  • Satellite members have the same attendance requirement of at least 60 percent of the regular meeting of the sponsor or satellite club.
  • For the day-to-day governance, the satellite club shall have its own annually-elected board drawn from its members. The highest officer of the satellite club shall be the chairman.
  • The satellite board shall be responsible for organization and management of the satellite club and its activities in accordance with Rotary rules, requirements, policies and objectives under the guidance of its sponsor club. It has no authority within, or over, the sponsor club.
  • A satellite club shall annually submit to the president and board of its sponsor club a report on its membership, activities, and finances.

The August 8 exploratory meeting at Guadalajara’s Restaurant drew a mix of current, past and prospective  members who could participate more fully if the meeting time was later than 7 a.m. President Chuck will bring additional information to the board of directors and full club membership as this possibility evolves.