District Governor Chuck Berg delivered important message

District Governor Chuck Berg surprised everyone by sharing his personal and painful story of being a troubled, at-risk youth. The story was about him, but the message was that every life we touch and every effort we make can impact another in a long-term way. We are each capable of changing the world, one person at a time, through opportunity, mentoring, and appreciation.

DG Chuck’s story emphasized the second of three goals that Rotary Present Kalyan Banerjee set for 2011-12 and asked the District Governors to introduce:

  • Family
  • Continuity
  • Change.

This year’s theme, Reach Within to Embrace Humanity, is simply “what Rotarian’s do,” the District Governor said. Among his own goals for this Rotary year, DG Chuck raised the challenge to give $1/day to The Rotary Foundation. He encouraged recruitment to reach a 3% membership growth in District 5950. And he spoke briefly about creating a Leadership Development Team with curriculum that builds a new Rotary leaders for tomorrow.

Surprise, surprise……….. Rogers’ high energy level and hearty greetings made the DG feel very welcome.

……. article written by Cheri Ashfeld